A downloadable game

pictures and videos of him might never come again because of rights you get as an adult

so in this collection of pictures and videos you will see Alisia Bradea in 2024


q why 2024 and not 2025 ?

a she became an adult in 2024 (may 22) and she is against me filming and she left and we do not know where she is anymore

q did she play palworld

a yes she did. she also played stardew valley,  and uh i do not know rest but she did draw physical pictures

q why did she left in the first place

a i do not know. better internet because in january 1-6 2024 somewhere the internet shut down because Petru Bradea died in nov 26 2024 of i do not know exactly but cancer, 2 leucemie therapie, drug kill, shut down organs and internet has gone not long after and this led to getting internet from neighbours to make up for it. it is a lot worse than our last internet and internet shut down is reguarly instead of monthly. oops i went off topic but 2 a brother that was upssesed to filming him (pronouce she/him) in a video she literraly said: matias eu nu ma simt sigura in casa incelegi tu incontinua m filmezi ce faci eu nu mai ma simt bine eu nu sunt ok cu asta nu respecti. credit - 20240414_162151.mp4 or 3 she fell into a trap called "the reality of adulthood" or 4 she might have saw that random old woman as a lot more attractive than she actually is and she got into worse conditions than when she was home

q did you find amazing stuff in sisters bedroom ?

a i found mediocre stuff like 2 cds that dont work, 480hz - an agency of ddb worldwide masks that Petru Bradea has actually wear and biggest find was i found back the samsung j5 . i confused it as samsung j7 but i keep coming to his bedroom to find the illusive mathetiger cds but i can not seem to find them. i found more but they are mediocre. but i have a pc she had in his bedroom and i can access his account folder (C:\Users\alisi) and i more than willingly copied this folder to my hdd but compared to living room (where i found a hdd with 800000+ items inside it with tens out thousands of pictures and tousands of videos and mom's living room where i found a lot of cds and dvds and even more personal pictures. its underwhelming

fact: Alisia Bradea changed primary language from romanian to german because our family is romanian but we live in germany and the old woman can not speak romanian so she changed to german. she can still understand and use that against us

filming my sister in 2024 was much more daring than in 2022 because she suddenly does not like that for god nose precise reasons besides i do not like that and i do not have pictures with him that i filmed in 2023-2022 because she deleted all my s8 pictures with him and exceptions were videos where she did not appear immidietly. she deleted the videos from my phone a lot of times and most commonly when i filmed him and she spotted a camera. no wonder backing up was so highly important because she knows how to permanently delete a picture and video in samsung gallery android but she does not know how to permanently delete a picture and video on windows 11, she only knows how to quckly put it in recycle bin so i can just put it back without permanent loss so this is why i backed up from android to pc but she does know how to stop a sneaky film on windows 11 but she would not delete it and i saw that as a no brainer to safetly film him without video loss and mom even said she has the right to take my devices i filmed with but this never got more developed because she left but i did lost devices because of him but because of filming him and after that got said never happened. wow i went with detail with this one

Updated 25 days ago
Published 28 days ago
Authorcatel albastru developer


last-pictures-and-videos-with-alisia-bradea-in-2024-01.zip 860 MB
Version 1 28 days ago


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You shouldn't upload images of others online without their consent. They can be easily misused, and the extend of it is something you're probably better off not knowing for the time being.

(1 edit)

so yes i got shocked. im planning to hide download and also hide text

i recently became a personal digital history hunter. meaning i look around the home for hdd, solar panels, smartphones, cds, dvds, usb sticks and more and transfer them to my pc but C: 7.89gib free of 952gib, D: 6.10gib free of 931gib and E: 33.4gib free of 930gib. i am running out of storage ! hmm D:\phone dad 271 GB (291,481,960,453 bytes) D:\youtube videos 302 GB (324,681,873,161 bytes) E:\Petryx 488 GB (524,328,264,478 bytes) . yes i see why

You could try backing up your personal files to websites like GoogleDrive, Mega and Dropbox instead, rather than Itch.io. This is really not the place for that.